Lost in Drawers

Tag: puppies

What’s Going On

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What the heck is going on around here?! We have a baby on the way. which is amazing and scary and still very new to us. So, these photos are what has been going on – and in no way are strictly a highlight reel. Things have been “real” real around here in our world. Stresses beyond belief, so it’s as if it has been a very long, not so very hot summer. We are struggling in finding a place to live (again), not getting to hang out by the beach, BUT conversely getting ready for our Disney World (again) trip with our family, feeling the baby moving around in there, lots of the (pregnancy) moody blues, as much pool time as possible, and dreaming of winter. We want winter to come as soon as possible.

Oh, and a few baby bump pics, because, well ya know…

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Something Like This

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Kiki’s Delivery Service


I’m back from Disney! And, it just happens to be Halloween and we of course continue our tradition of dressing up as semi-obscure characters? No, but really we love anime films from Studio Ghibli, and this year we went as one of my favorites – Kiki and Tombo from the amazing Kiki’s Delivery Service! Well, at least our version of a young adult Kiki and Tombo! It just makes us want multiple Halloweens a year so we have an excuse to delve into cosplay dress-up for all our favorite films! And the pups? Well, they went as salty sailor dogs, naturally. I may miss Disney and the lovely adventure I had with my Mom, but it’s good to be home with these boys of mine.

Happy Halloween!


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Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch


Well, it’s officially the beginning of the holiday season (yes, it runs from Halloween to New Years according to us) for our household, as we made our third annual trip to the pumpkin patch. Heather, Emory and I are two year veterans, BUT Mister Clio August Liles was a rookie. And there were some rookie mistakes made. Like running off from his family, and not knowing what to do with a million kids running around. But all in all? A good trip. The weather was good so our preferred pumpkin patch was busy with kids and parents alike. Emory is a pro. He loves all the attention, as you can see from his ridiculous facial expressions! But it was time well spent the week before Heather heads off to Disney World with her mom. Us boys love her, and it is going to be a madhouse without her I am sure. But one thing is for sure, the weather is perfect and its time to stock up on the ever elusive red-hots because its more and more time to make wassail and holiday treats!

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There’s color everywhere


What? You don’t wear a floral skirt when you take your dogs out? Well, I did today. In truth, we were going to take the boys to the pumpkin patch before dusk, BUT it was extremely cloudy and windy. So, we are putting it off until Wednesday. They are beyond ready…it’s Emory’s 3rd trip and Mister Clio’s 1st. Needless to say, nothing gets Bo and I more into the autumn and holiday season spirit more than cute puppies in a pumpkin patch all dressed in sweaters. Yes, even Bo endorses the sweaters.

In other life news, we have a meeting about a house tomorrow, so crosses fingers on that. We need a house that we choose on our terms and two bathrooms would be nice? Life is moving fast, and so we head into another week with much to do and I have a trip to pack for!

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I’m bringing out my fall florals! Don’t you just love fall florals? Seriously though, it’s a little chilly and perfect for a light jacket yet you feel like you can stay outside all day. Well, at least I do…I would want to. But honestly who actually stays outside all day? Even just taking these puppy boys on a trip to Half Price Books is enough work…well, not work but you know. Enough of something to make you want a perfect little nap.

Speaking of Half Price Books, this last trip over the weekend someone called Emory fat and proceeded to assume Clio had a major eye infection and how it looked horrible. Bo was a little upset and maybe had to walk away. Well, turn away is more like it. Let’s remember, people: kindness wins with pups too! Pups are a part of the Creation too!

We are off to Vintage Tex, located in the mid-cities, tomorrow to get to know the store a little more and have a grand ole time!

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It’s Candy Corn Time


So, first things first. Whatever this cold, sinus infection sickness is…it is crap. And it needs to leave my body immediately. But in spite of sickness trying to slow our household down, we can’t just put life totally on hold. It was a week of new things and few favorite things. I went to a new doctor, which is always a lot of hoops to jump through. Bo knew this, so Dale’s Donuts and their pillow-y donut hole of perfection were in order. I also did something I have been wanting to do, but never thought I would – I got my eyebrows threaded. And the result was so good! Sometimes trying seemingly minor things can give oneself a boost – especially when your sinuses have been in open rebellion. Yes, I return to favorite things when I am sick, so needless to say there was a lot of  Japanese Pocky treats and weird Japanese drinks and of course, Totoro. But it’s time for a three day weekend, my dad Michael’s birthday and hopefully some semi-fall weather? You hear that Texas? fall weather!

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Throwback Thursday

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It’s Thursday and we are throwing back from a few “old” photos..we read books, we baked, we played, we worked, we wore clothes aplenty and were featured on a pretty legit blog, Messages On A Napkin.

This is what is going on in our neck of the woods. And now it’s off to search Pinterest for inspiration and searching for kawaii food photos! Here’s to the unknown and wide open weekend!

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A Little of This a Little of That


There seems to be quite the theme on our blog lately. Puppies, more puppies and a spattering of other random of things we find interesting. One recent thing? It was my little brother’s birthday…and he is 24?? He shouldn’t be Twenty-Four! We used to spend hours watching The Little Mermaid over and over again. Sigh…what happened to the days of Chuck-E-Cheese and Ariel birthday cakes (all for him, mind you) Back in the present, I wore a Hawaiian print dress! (Exciting!) But mostly, the boys are getting into the Christmas In July spirit, and we are thrilled to have my parents back from Chicago!

AND FINALLY, we are still having our Christmas In July sale in the Lost In Drawers Vintage Etsy store.  Just enter the code JULYXMAS at checkout for 50% off ALL ITEMS from now until the end of the month! So, have a holly jolly Christmas In July on your friends from Lost In Drawers Vintage!


Rubbing Sticks and Stones Together


4 more weeks until the Liles/Andrews Disney World trip! Woot, Woot! This week our itinerary came in the mail, and it was as if Christmas morning had come around our house. We went a little dorky, and bought lanyards for our keycards to get into the park and the like. This is our first time staying at the actual resort property, and we won’t be taking the puppies along this time! Such a shock! And honestly, really kind of hard as they travel everywhere with us…so, it will be new and different and interesting to say the least. Not to mention it being our first trip with the Liles family. We usually have gone on most trips with my family. As it is, hopefully I can help out in the Disney arena, being I am a bit of a fanatic and all.

Other than all this Disney stuff, we have been trying to nursing little Clio back to some kind of reasonable health. His past vet visit, Dr. Snodgrass informed us that he has a condition known commonly as Cherry eye – symptoms include a visible fleshy mass, abnormal tear production, and a discharge or drainage from the eye area. It’s been a pain for him, and for us to see every day. Its just sad and Emory has been taking care of him as well, licking his head every chance he gets. So it was no surprise that we spent our 4th of July very very low key, with the pups, lounging, eating a lot of peach and cherry Pinkberry. And to keep it in balance, trying to eat in as much as possible to save a little bit of money. Thank the heavens Bo is a master BBQ person. He has really stepped up his game lately, and had become quite obsessed. And that’s a-OK with me.

Did I mention we are going to Disney World in 4 weeks?!
